Alaska Dating Beach

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The Beginning of the Sea Glass Odyssey

'Picture it; it's dawn, and you're the only soul on the beach; sandy or pebbly, or covered in driftwood. The smell of the ocean and the newly cast up seaweed fills your nostrils.

You breathe deeply of the ozone scent of the new day. The storm that passed through last night has left shells and other flotsam strewn on the sand.
There are strips of seaweed in windrows, left by the surf as it retreats where crabs and other foragers are busily finding a meal.

Suddenly, something glints in the sand. It's a jewel! The deep color is mesmerizing, even though it's half covered in sand.
You dig it out of its hiding place and hold it in your hand. Brushing it off, you marvel at the richness of the color, and the smooth edges - congratulations! You've found your first piece of Sea Glass - and I bet it won't be the last!

~ inspired by Jacki from

About Sea Glass

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About Sea Glass

Finding a Beach with Sea Glass

Collecting and Sorting

Classifying the Quality of Sea Glass

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Colors Chart

Color Rarity Chart

Arts and Crafts

Sea Glass Crafts

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The Beginning of the Sea Glass Odyssey - Lin's Story and Search

It happened late one afternoon.
I had been walking slowly along the shore near my mother's house on the Chesapeake Bay looking for beach treasures...
Wanting to make one last trip down the small beach, I turned around and wow!!!
Tumbling up the beach pushed by a small wave was an orange piece of sea glass!
I couldn't believe it at first. Then I started jumping up and down. I just had to run home and show it to everybody. Read more...

Have you experienced the thrill of finding a deliciously-frosty and perfectly-tumbled piece of sea or beach glass?

Although most are not orange, each piece is an exciting find in itself. Perhaps you are now looking for more info on the fascinating subject of sea or beach glass.

Alaska Dating Beach House

...I had found an orange piece of sea glass!
I couldn't believe it at first. Then I started jumping up and down. I just had to run home and show it to everybody.

Here's what happened to me and why I decided to write about this wonderful subject.
Let's go back into the past for a moment.

Like many of you, my 'odyssey' or 'journey' began quite a few years ago.
While enjoying walks on the shore, first on Lake Erie and later on various Atlantic and Pacific beaches, I began picking up sea glass (also known as beach glass).
Then as time went by, I found myself really getting excited and even hooked on finding more rare and exotic pieces.

Not only was I beginning to want to spend more and more time actually looking for sea or beach glass, but at the same time I was trying to figure out some way of using it creatively.

So I started searching the Internet for more information.

However, when I began to research sea and beach glass, I couldn't really find what I was looking for, such as

  • What colors are the rarest,
  • Where could I find unusual beach glass, and
  • What could I do with my growing collection.

You probably have had a similar experience.

Compiling the Information on Sea Glass

On Whidbey Island of the San Juans, Washington State

However, by talking to others, reading up, doing some research and putting in a lot of time on the beach and at home with sea glass, I eventually accumulated quite a bit of data and findings about sea glass.

Assembling this information is an ongoing process, as I continue to discover fascinating new tidbits on the beach and from others.

On the pages of this site, you'll find the answers to the questions towards the beginning of this page ... and much more.

My husband David writes much of the material found here, but relies heavily not only on my experience but also on the excellent contributions of many of you sea glass fans.

If you've faced the same kinds of questions I had when I was starting out, I know that you'll find these 2,000+ pages of information that we have put together very interesting and useful!


Even more fun is to participate in sharing your thoughts and ideas, crafts and photos, and to see what others are doing, go to the Odyssey Sea Glass Forums.

Happy hunting on your Sea Glass Odyssey,

David and Lin Schneider


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